2D Drafting and classic interface can be switched in a wink. 2D drafting interface is supported by a ribbon with its tabs and panels. It displays the most used commands as thumbnails for easy selection. Classic interface is supported by toolbars and it's the most preferred by old users.
User Interaction
Interface Appearance
Interface appearance makes your drawing environment more comfortable because it supports options for applying different themes as well as show or hide the menu bar, toolbars, file tabs and status bar.
User Interaction
Command Line Window
You can enter a command, aliases and system variables by using the keyboard. You can also repeat the previous command by pressing Enter or Spacebar without entering a command.
User Interaction
Dynamic Input and Auto-complete Command Entry
Dynamic Input provides a command interface near the cursor to help you keep your focus in the drafting area. Save time typing and finding out whatever longer or shorter command. Dynamic input can autocomplete the command name at once.
User Interaction
File Tabs
File tabs offers a fast way to switch between open drawings and are displayed in the order they were opened. You can drag tabs to change their order. File tab has some other built in functionality like save, close, audit and properties.
User Interaction
Lock UI
LockUI locks the position of toolbars and windows. Users can unlock them temporarily by holding down Ctrl. A lock icon in the status bar indicates whether toolbars and windows are locked. Click the icon to display locking options.
User Interaction
Clean Screen
Clean screen maximizes drawing space by pressing the keywords Ctrl+0 or by clicking its icon at the status bar. This command will automatically clean the screen of toolbars, windows or even the ribbon (excluding the main menu, file tab and status bar).
User Interaction
Properties palette displays the properties of the selected object or set of objects. You can specify a new value to modify any property that can be changed. Tool palette provides an efficient method for organizing and placing blocks.
User Interaction
Design Center
Design Center provides a graphic interface where you can manipulate and re-use drawings and their objects (blocks, layers, external references, and customized contents) from drawing files, network drives, and Internet locations. This way, you can speed up drawing constructing.
User Interaction
Layer Properties Manager
Layer properties manager displays a list of the layers in the drawing and their properties. You can add, delete, and rename layers, change their properties, set property overrides for layout viewports, or add layer descriptions and apply changes in real time.
User Interaction
Layer Tools
Layer tools provides a set of practical tools which you can rely on managing and editing layers and their properties. Use layer tools to improve visualization in your drawing.
User Interaction
Layer Group Filter
Layer group filter lists the layers that you assign to the group, regardless of their names or properties. You can add layers to a layer group filter by dragging them from the layer list onto the group filter.
User Interaction
Layer States Manager
Layer states manager enables you save the current property settings for layers in a named layer state and then restore those settings later.
User Interaction
Select Similar
Select similar controls which properties must match for an object of the same type to be selected. Use this command to quick select objects when your drawing is crowded of objects.
User Interaction
Quick Select
Quick Select dialog box is a simple filtering command that helps specify the filtering criteria and how you want to create the selection object set from that criteria.
User Interaction
Delete Duplicate Objects
Delete duplicate objects is well known as overkill command and it removes duplicate or overlapping lines, arcs, polylines, blocks, mtexts, dimensions and regions.
User Interaction
Hide and Isolate Objects
Hide and isolate objects allows directly hide, isolate chosen objects in your drawing, without considering in what layers they are.
User Interaction
Xtra Grips
Xtra grips make easy editing objects like polyline and hatch. Users can stretch a polyline or hatch object by holding and dragging any extra grip to control its shape.
User Interaction
Layout Viewport
Users can set different layer color, linetype, lineweight, plot style within a viewport at layout space. The layer changes only will be displayed at layout space but not at model space. Layout viewports makes layer modifications be super flexible when plotting a drawing.