Auto_C.A. Now Integrates with GstarCAD 2015
Auto_C.A. Now Integrates with GstarCAD 2015
Auto_C.A. is a program for the drawing of reinforced concrete structures with GstarCAD 2015®, AutoCAD® and AutoCAD LT® built with the technical contribution of the construction protagonists. The philosophy of the program is to keep unchanged anything compared to the designers’ established habits: Auto_C.A. does not propose a rigid scheme, but it is presented as a series of simple and powerful tools to drawing quality projects, reducing the production time enormously.
Auto_C.A. uses GstarCAD objects and commands in a totally dynamic way. For example, it is more than enough to edit a bar text as you normally do with GstarCAD and everything changes in real time.
Auto_C.A. uses only GstarCAD primitive objects (polylines and texts) making them "smart". On Auto_C.A. objects is possible to apply all the GstarCAD commands: who is already able to use GstarCAD knows already how to use Auto_C.A.
Auto_C.A. automatically manages all the problems related to the plotting scale (text, dimensions, fills) and for what concerns the modification in real time, it provides to create details at various scales without worrying about anything!
All windows are built with explanatory and real previews so that users can intuitively use the program itself as a guide and training manual. Considering complex functions are usually not used, Auto_C.A. supports simple functions, so it is faster and easier in practical design.
Auto_C.A. 2015 is constituted by modules dedicated to the solution of every drawing requirement of the elements in reinforced concrete and can be composed according to the specific needs of the customer.
Auto_C.A. Base Modules
• Structures
• Reinforcement
• Prescriptions (only Italian version)
• Utility and Computation
Auto_C.A. Extra Modules
• Pillars 2014
• Dxf Total Converter (DTC)
• Conceptual Design (CD)
Download or for more information of Auto_C.A. please visit Follow GstarCAD official Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter for more Application news.
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